
Il presente sito internet impiega i cosiddetti “cookies”: piccoli file testuali che il server di un sito memorizza temporaneamente o in via definitiva sul browser, sul vostro computer o su altro dispositivo. Questi file sono finalizzati alla semplificazione, integrazione o personalizzazione dell’utilizzo delle pagine web.

L’utente avrà la possibilità di disattivare il salvataggio dei cookies attraverso il proprio browser o di cancellare i cookies già memorizzati, tenendo presente che ciò potrebbe comportare una limitazione delle funzionalità, un rallentamento o l’inutilizzabilità di alcune parti del sito internet. impiega i seguenti cookies.

Cookie tecnici generati da

Sono cookie necessari a garantire il corretto funzionamento del sito web.

1. Cookies necessari, grazie a cui l’utente ha la possibilità di visualizzare la pagina web, utilizzare le funzioni del sito e ottenere l’accesso ad aree di sicurezza o registrate. In caso di disattivazione di tali cookies, determinate parti del sito non potranno più essere usate correttamente.

2. Cookies funzionali, con cui può memorizzare le scelte e le preferenze degli utenti, per incrementare la facilità d’uso del sito. Un esempio sono i cookie utilizzati per memorizzate le scelte dei prodotti aggiunti alla lista dei desideri.

Cookie di terze parti (statistiche + marcheting)

Sono cookie generati da servizi esterni, spesso a scopo di analisi e marketing.
Sono disattivi di default e il loro utilizzo verrà approvato solo se l'utente fornisce il permesso all'utilizzo.
Se l'utilizzo ai cookie di terze parti viene negato, il sito sarà comunque fruibile, ma alcune pagine potrebbero avere delle funzionalità ridotte. Esempi tipici sono la mappa di Google, che non verrà mostrata finché l'utente non approverà i cookie di terze parti, o i video di YouTube visibili direttamente dal sito web.

Ecco i servizi forniti dal sito che possono attivare cookie di terze parti, e quindi disattivati di default.
Tutti i servizi sotto elencati, se attivi, possono portare ad una profilazione dell'utente da parte di aziende terze (ex Google).

1. Google Maps: nel caso l'utente che stia visitando il sito sia contemporaneamente loggato nel proprio account Google, la mappa di Google utilizzata nel sito (pagina contatti e preferenze) attiva diversi cookie di Google.

2- Video YouTube: l'attivazione di Video YouTube nel sito di broferpura attiva diversi cookie di terze parti.




Privacy Policy

 Brofer srl

pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679


By means of this notice, provided for pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “Regulation”), Brofer srl discloses its policy on the processing of personal data acquired following consultation of the website (hereinafter, “Website”) and the use of the services it provides (hereinafter, “Services”).

The data you provide will be managed by Brofer srl in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and with the principles set out therein of lawfulness, correctness, purpose, limitation and conservation, minimisation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

This document is used to explain in a transparent way the categories of data subjects, type of data and processing carried out, purposes of the processing, security measures adopted and the parties to whom the data may be communicated.

This policy does not refer, however, to other websites that can be reached and viewed through the hypertext links that may be contained in the Website.





The Data Controller for your data acquired through the consultation of the Website is Brofer srl, duly represented by the legal representative pro tempore, with registered office in Resana (TV) via Roma 66, Italian Tax Code and VAT no. 01459590285 (hereinafter, the “Controller”). You can contact the Controller for any information relating to the management of your personal information, by writing to the address


  1. 2.      WHAT ARE THEY?

Personal data is any information relating to a natural person (in this case, you, who are our user) identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, by means of an identifier (for example, a name, an identification number, one or more characteristic elements of physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity, etc.).


  1. 3.      WHAT, WHY AND HOW?

You can access the Website without transmitting any personal identification data.

In the event that, on the other hand, you voluntarily and knowingly transmit your personal data through specific forms within the Website or through the e-mail addresses indicated on the Website, your data is acquired and used for the sole purpose of providing the requested services (for example, to contact you following a request to that effect).

If you do not expressly consent to the processing of your data, the Service requested by you may not be provided.

For particular categories of data, referred to in art. 9 of the Regulation, or data suitable for revealing “racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, or union membership, as well as processing genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data related to health or sex life or sexual orientation of the person”, we invite you to pay the utmost attention. These data, in fact, must be transmitted if strictly necessary and in any case with explicit expression of consent to their processing. In the absence of such explicit consent, pursuant to the aforementioned art. 9 of the Regulation, the Controller will be exempt from any liability, since such data will be considered “personal data made manifestly public by the data subject”.

Your data is also collected through the use of cookies, which are small text files that the computer stores when you access the Website. The data provided by cookies are used only for statistical and anonymous purposes on the use and operation of the Website. You can refuse the use of cookies by modifying the settings of your browser even if this operation may result in the non-usability of certain features of the Website.

The processing of your personal data could also be aimed at fulfilling legal obligations (for example, in the tax and accounting field).

We process your personal data with automated tools or in paper format.



Your personal data is lawfully processed by the Controller when this is necessary to provide a Service requested by you or to fulfil a legal obligation to which the Controller is obliged or the processing is based on your consent.



To the extent strictly necessary, your data will be processed by the Controller and its employees, collaborators and/or persons in charge specifically appointed (also, for example, persons in charge of the technical maintenance of IT systems).

In any case, no data provided on the Website is communicated or disseminated to third parties, except in the cases provided for by the law.

In the event that your data were to be transferred beyond the territorial scope of application of the Regulation, this would be done with the guarantee by us of the commitment by the recipient to comply with the principles of the Regulation itself.


  1. 6.      HOW LONG DO WE KEEP THEM?

Your data will be kept for the duration strictly necessary to carry out the above-mentioned purposes and, subsequently, for the time that the professional is subject to preservation obligations pursuant to the law.


  1. 7.      WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS?

Your rights are sanctioned by the Regulations and at any time you can exercise them against the Controller, by writing to the address They are:

-       Right of access and right of rectification: i.e. the right to receive confirmation and any kind of information as to whether or not your personal data are being processed. You also have the right to obtain the correction of your incorrect data or the integration of incomplete data.

-       Right to restriction of processing and right to be forgotten: in certain circumstances, you have the right to obtain the restriction of the processing of your data or the deletion of obsolete or irrelevant or no longer necessary data.

-       Right to portability: i.e. the right to obtain the transfer of your data to another data controller.

-       Right of opposition and right of revocation: in particular situations, you have the right to oppose the processing of your data. At any time, you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your data; in this case, the processing carried out on the basis of the consent given prior to the revocation remains lawful.

-       Right to lodge a complaint: for any breach of processing of your data, you can also lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority –


Last update: 8 August 2022

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Brofer Srl - All rights reserved - P.I. 01459590285

Cap. soc. i.v. € 100.000 Reg. imp. PD R.E.A. n° PD - 161099