Noutăți & Evenimente


26 Mag 2022

Brofer at MCE 2022

We are pleased to share that Brofer will participate in MCE 2022, which will be held in Milan - at Fieramilano - from 28 June to 6 July 2022.
MCE is a prestigious showcase and a worldwide business platform for companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

We are waiting for you, we will be happy to meet you, this is our stand:

Hall: 15 - Stand: C41

We are pleased to share that Brofer will participate in MCE 2022, which will be held in Milan - at Fieramilano - from 28 June to 6 July 2022.
MCE is a prestigious showcase and a worldwide business platform for companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

We are waiting for you, we will be happy to meet you, this is our stand:

Hall: 15 - Stand: C41

  • brofer-at-mce-2022

Brofer Srl - Toate drepturile rezervate- P.I. 01459590285

Cap. soc. i.v. € 100.000 Reg. imp. PD R.E.A. n° PD – 161099

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